Local Mayor and Mayoress met with our apprentices today to see the hard work that our apprentices are contributing to the success of Hilton Smythe.
The Mayor of Bolton has dedicated his mayoral year to encourage businesses to take on more apprentices.
Cllr Martin Donaghy has set a target of one apprentice per week for his mayoral year. He is hoping when he steps down in May there will be 52 young people in work who may have been jobless.
As Hilton Smythe has created their Apprentice Academy and currently employ 8 apprentices, throughout the business. It was a privilege to have the Mayor visit our offices to see the good work the apprentices are contributing to 40, strong workforce.
Hilton Smythe is totally committed to improving the life of younger people. We actively support the Royal Manchester Children’s hospital charity, donating in the region of £5000 last year, in addition our Directors both volunteer time at local Primary Schools as governors and thoroughly enjoy it.
Mr Craig Graham, Group Operations Director, commented, “Its fabulous to have the mayor visit our offices and recognise our, tremendously hardworking apprentices. Young people are our future and supporting them, of all ages is something we are committed to.”
We were also thrilled to be invited by the Mayor and Mayoress, to a Civic Function and Meal at the Town Hall on the 26th November, we will report on the event shortly after …
Want to see the rest of the pictures from the day? Head over to our Facebook page here.