Elizabeth Cooke - Hilton Smythe - Page 2 of 3

The Hub

Hilton Smythe has renewed its silver patron status for the fifth time with local children’s charity, the Bolton Lads and Girls Club.

The drum beat of global economic downturn has been growing louder by the day, as the broadsheets lurch for the catch-all term, “recession”, to describe the current landscape of inflation, low business confidence and weak economic activity.

In light of the government’s plans to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030, one might have assumed that the UK would be nearing peak EV-readiness.

Public health is a value-laden field; its policies are decided by the answer to the complex philosophical question, ‘what makes health public?’

Kwarteng and Truss, both of whom had sought to cultivate a Thatcherite image of steely determination, have U-turned on the planned abolition of the 45p rate of income tax.

Hilton Smythe completes the sale of kitchen table start-up Joona Juice.